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Showing posts from November, 2017

If We're Banning Phones, We Won't Connect Our Students To The Future

     For those of us that follow the news, especially education news, we don’t have to wait very long for an educator, or educators, to give us the excuse for a blog post. This week’s winner goes to the principal and staff at Korematsu Middle School in California’s East Bay Area.      They were recently featured, and apparently heralded, by an article in Ed Source ( ) for their recent compliance and control upgrade that bans students from using their cell phones at lunch and during their free time.      According to principal Matthew Burnham, they tried to let the 7th and 8th grade students use their cell phones last year during these times and it was, according to them, an abysmal failure. The school claims that due to the students being “glued” to their cell phones, no one was talking and interacting with one another. And after watching the movie “Screenagers” and drinking from that proverbial firehose of...