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Showing posts from August, 2015

The ABC's Of Flipping Your School Culture

     By now, most in education have heard the term “flipped.” It can used when talking about changing the pedagogy or instructional strategy by turning what you’ve traditionally done upside down. Flipped classrooms have done things like moved he independent work associated with homework to the classroom and the direct instruction associated with class to home. We we have “flipped” classrooms, learning and instruction. But when we normally talk about flipping things, we often forget that we would probably have to flip the culture if you want the others to truly have impact or survive. Even George Costanza on “Seinfeld” had success by just doing the opposite of what he’s always done.      Therefore, one could ask what about our traditional school culture or cultures could be improved by just turning it upside down? Well here are 5 flips: FLIP THE RULES      Instead of focusing on the rules or policies as as institution, focus on opportunities...

5 Ways To Help Education Organizations Really Change

     We hear a lot about change. We hear a lot about innovation. We hear a lot about mindset. So, what do schools, school districts and educational organizations truly need to do to move forward? Here are few starters: Really Live in the Real World - education loves to say ‘real world,’ but has a hard time doing this. We need to look at what leaders, innovators and change agents do in business, science, politics and other entities do to facilitate and really lead? We can do this by reading the books and publications they do, connect with them on social media, attend their professional gatherings and more. Educators, more than any other group, should be spending time and having discussions with those from other walks of life. What works outside should work inside. Traditionally, our schools have been artificial worlds that we created. The time has come to end this disconnect. Model - again we love to say this. How can we really walk the walk? Easy, decide to do it and...